Number of pictures / video
49 |
After Steffi and I had the first shooting outdoor, bad luck with the weather hit us at the 2nd appointment. Everything prepared and ready to go, it started to rain just as we closed the door behind us. While we were sitting in the car, waiting for the rain to stop, we talked about her clothes drawer. As she was talking, she mentioned a red satin downjacket made by the brand Mogul. My attention was caught instantly. Because of that discussion, we decided to go back to her apartment, changing the shooting into a home shooting. Obviously soaked from the rain still falling, we got into her small single flat again.
So as I put back the prepared bags with the shooting clothes on the ground, she offered me to go through her clothes drawer. Nearby the thick winter jackets I saw a shiny red thing, to be sure it`s the jacket she was talking about, I got it from the hanger, touched and looked at it in detail. A very smooth and fabric on the outside, soft filled with down I`d say and a very comfortable fabric inside. A stunning piece of cloth! Indeed, perfect for the picture series I had in mind.
Asking her to wear that jacket for the first series to start the shooting, she agreed immediately. And so we took the photos you see in this series. All the model’s cloth, no fake, no special wardrobe from my collection needed.
Satin Downjacket girl Steffi preview pictures