Silver Buffalo Tower shoes and techno outfit

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As I went to a big department store in Berlin a few days ago, I almost fall across the latest Buffalo shoe collection. After almost 20 years, Buffalo shoes made it and renewed their techno style collection. I had seen the news in the Facebook groups already. But, of course, it`s something different to read about it or see and touch the result. During my early days running this and other websites, I had been a big fan of these chunky shoes. While I took the first series because the girls had these shoes, I got a big collection myself later on. When you see Juana in this series here, she`s wearing a pair from that collection. A pair of silver Buffalo tower shoes was the perfect addition to her techno outfit when shooting in the club.

The silver Buffalo tower shoes are matched by silver nylon pants. If you are asking the brand, it could be either Cordon Berlin or Freeman T. Porter. I am not sure what kind is this, as both pants looked similar and I did not photograph the tag. As a colourful contrast, we added a red satin jacket from Adidas. I found that rare item while poking through a flea market in Amsterdam some month ago.

With 109 Photos included, this series is one of the largest I did ever publish. Enjoy it for a bargain price!

Silver Buffalo Tower shoes and techno outfit – preview pictures
Silver Buffalo tower shoes Silver Buffalo tower shoes Silver Buffalo tower shoes